eating disorder : a upcoming menace

Eating disorder: a upcoming menace

Hello everyone , it's toooo late but again I am here with a new blog on a issue of concern , eating disorder may not be known to many of us but this issue needs spot light because it's killing our youth mentally as well as socially. it's high time to be aware and make aware others about this.
rapid physical growth and body image development important characteristics of adolescence these changes often lead to the self-esteem misuses .Eating disorders associated to these changes are also a matter of great concern. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa ,binge eating disorder and and their variants are serious disturbance in eating. They are associated with a wide range of negative physiological physical and social consequences .eating disorders may start small but obsessive behaviour escalates quickly and it doesn't take long for a serious concern to emerge. Eating disorders are real treatable medical illness. A teenager with an eating disorder might find it difficult to adopt a normal adult body image.
Anorexia nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is an example of eating disorder which is related to the body image dissertation and is commonly seen in adolescence when individual is struggling with the self identity and is most  vulnerable  to body image problems.

a person suffering from anorexia nervosa aspires to have a perfect body and became obsessed with having a thin body.
when people have anorexia nervosa was are they see themselves as overweight even when they are clearly underweight. Eating food and weight control becomes obsession.
they even ignore the advice of the parents and others and almost stop eating though their current weight is normal they still feels pressure to be ideal thin like some film star or model in magazines.
adolescence suffering from this problem generally have low self-esteem and remain depressed which results in their withdrawing from the family and friends.
instead of realising that they are under nourished they insist that they are fat they are unaware of fact that drastic loss of weight can lead to death.

Symptoms of anorexia nervosa
There are many symptoms of anorexia but the most common are:-

  • Think about food weight and dieting all the time
  • Serial limit the amount of food they eat and can become dangerously thin.
  • Start, exercising, drinking warm water after consuming foods to lose weight
  • Continuous weight loss
  • Self induced vomiting, misusing laxatives, diuretics, or even enemas.

  • vomit used luxury items or drink warm water after every meal to avoid weight gain.
  • Feel fatigued and depressed.

Causes of anorexia nervosa

Biological reasons
Physiological reasons: adolescence who are intelligent and usually performed well may also suffer from any anorexia nervosa when they meet failures or unable to fulfill their own expectations.
Family and social reasons: social stereotypes of beauty and parental emphasizes on aspects like illness and beauty creates pressure amongst the adolescence to fit the beauty standards created by the families and the society.

Effects of anorexia nervosa
  • Physical effects
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Swollen cheeks because of enlargement of the celebrity glands caused by excessive vomiting.
  • Swollen joints
  • Hair loss or thinning.
  • Bad breath, anaemia  and other related problems.
  • Constipation and feeling of bloating.

Physiological effects:
  • Loss of self-confidence over time
  • Feeling of isolation and loneliness
  • Inferiority complex and depression in long run.
Prevention / treatment of anorexia

Early treatment of anorexia is very essential. If not treated early this can lead to starvation and serious health problems, such as bone thinning (osteoporosis) kidney damage and heart problems. It may even lead to death. Anorexia is actually associated with the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder.

bulimia is another very serious eating disorder symptoms of bulimia often begin to emerge in the late adolescence or early adulthood (late teens and late twenties).
this disorder is more common females as compared to the men and mostly effects middle and upper class females and generally occurs after a series of various  and successful weight reduction diet or programs.
adolescence suffering from this disease behave in a very erratic and unstable manner.

There are abnormal behaviour is characterized by-

(A)Binge eating / bridging (frequent episodes of overheating):people with bulimia nervosa tend to eat unusual large amounts of food and feel a lack of control over these episodes.

(B)Purging (frantic efforts to avoid gaining weight: binge eating is followed by purging after eating food or using laxative, diuretics, fantastic, excessive exercise or or any combination of these to compensate the out of control eating.

People with this disorder of an maintain a normal. But the physiological fear factor remains the same_the fear of gaining weight and intense unhappiness with the body size and shape.
Bulimic behaviour is often done secretly as it is opened a campaign by feelings of disgust or shame.

Causes of bulimia:

The exact cause of blumea is unknown genetic physiological from our family and society and culture factors may play a role for Lumia may occur due to one or more factors.
anarkali and as shown in films and TV serials there is a lot of emphasis on tennis and beauty this leads to body dissatisfaction particularly in young women who attach self worth but looking slim and beautiful.
Low self esteem, adolescence who think of themselves as worthless and unattractive are more prone to bulimia.

people who are engaged in a profession where image and looking good is important are more vulnerable to this condition example ballet dancers, models gymnast and actors.

Symptoms of bulimia
  • Frequent fluctuations in the weight
  • Obsession in the food.
  • Tooth decay and mouth sores.
  • Scars on the knuckles from sticking finger down the throat to induce vomiting.

Prevention and treatment of bulimia

The treatment approach for low specific stage depending on the severity of the problem and the person's approach to the treatment.

  • Support group approach may be helpful for patients with mild conditions.
  • conjugative behaviour therapy and nutritional therapy is preferred first treatment for blumea that does not respond to support groups.
  • Nutritional therapy also works in such condition.
  • Under medical supervision, treating depression is also helpful in treating bulimia.

A person's best defence against these disorders is to learn to appreciate once uniqueness. Respecting and valuing ones self can prove to be life saving. Dietary interventions such as-ensuring balance diets, enhancing dietary fibre intake, and using nutrient / food supplements can make up the losses.

Buy now, we must have understood that physical social and emotional changes experienced during adolescence can profoundly impact the adolescence nutritional status and eating patterns.sound dietary principles help us to reach our health goals can serve as a foundation for the present and the future healthy life.

It's important for a adolescent to accept himself as well as others as they are. Because body shaming a person can lead to to these deadly eating disorders, now it's high time to get educated about the serious cause because encountered in the model, the prevalence rate of anorexia nervosa for males was 10/100,000, whereas for females, it was 37.2 and combined gender burden was 22.3/100,000. A loss of 73782.7 DALYs was estimated. An estimated 55 deaths due to anorexia nervosa was observed. Most of the burden of the anorexia nervosa was borne by females in the age of 15–19 years than others with a male:female ratio of 1:4. The prevalence rate was observed to increase from 1990 to 2016. Discussion: Within the confines of the current mathematical modeling and secondary data analysis, the Indian burden of AN is significant, particularly among young females. AN is least studied mental illness in India that's why awareness is important and I hope I was able to create this awareness to you ,now it's your turn to aware others please share as much as you can.


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